by Christine | May 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
It will be available on May 14th, but can be pre-ordered now. In the meantime here’s a little teaser to wet the whistle so to speak. He looked really familiar, but she didn’t remember seeing him at the wedding. She knew she’d seen that face, and she knew that if...
by Christine | May 8, 2018 | Uncategorized
Well, this was exciting! For the first time I was able to see one of my books on the shelf at a bookstore. In this case it was my local Barnes and Noble (Menlo Park Mall, Edison, NJ). I signed the copies they had there (with the approval from the manager) and will...
by Christine | Apr 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
It’s time to talk about EMILY’S SONG. If you’ve been hoping for a book from me that is aimed at adults, you are in luck. In just a few short weeks, on May 14, EMILY’S SONG will be released. It is a time travel romance and if it were a movie...
by Christine | Apr 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
Whenever there is some noteworthy event a book seems to come out about it within a couple of months. I rather marvel at this, because the process for me has taken much much longer. Of course, I do understand the marketing advantage to pushing through books that deal...
by Christine | Apr 21, 2018 | Uncategorized
Signing with an agent was a huge deal for me. I had visions of best-seller lists and movie deals and a quick deal for my book. Things didn’t play out quite that way. He offered suggestions and revisions and I made the changes. He sent the book out to the big...
by Christine | Apr 20, 2018 | Uncategorized
Let me start by saying that experiences may vary. This is not a definitive treatise on the matter, but my experience with my latest book. Had I been a celebrity the process would have been very different. Ten years ago I opened a document on my computer and typed the...